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AutoCAD Plant 3D training

EdgeWise         Verity        

15 % alennus tukipalvelumme asiakkaille

Mallinnus pistepilven perusteella

Creation and management of process diagrams 1 day

To: For those working with process plant process diagrams.


Objectives: To learn how to efficiently generate process diagrams with AutoCAD P & ID software, and how to process and utilize related device information.

Description of the training: The training covers the creation and management of process diagrams with AutoCAD P & ID software. Either the customer's or Profox's model project template can be used in the training.


Training content:




  • Joining a project and creating a new project based on a model

  • Deleting and attaching drawings to a project

  • Project auditing


Process diagrams


  • Creating and editing devices

  • Process lines and groups and their data content

  • Use of tags and markings

  • Assembly addition

  • Searching for information in Datamages

  • Editing data in Excel

  • Creating reports with Raport Creator

  • Retrieving data from an external database

  • Coloring the chart based on the data

  • Spectral connection of charts and joining 3D

  • Validation of diagrams 


Creation and management of process diagrams 1 day

To: For those working with process plant process diagrams.


Objectives: To learn how to efficiently generate process diagrams with AutoCAD P & ID software, and how to process and utilize related device information.

Description of the training: The training covers the creation and management of process diagrams with AutoCAD P & ID software. Either the customer's or Profox's model project template can be used in the training.


Training content:




  • Joining a project and creating a new project based on a model

  • Deleting and attaching drawings to a project

  • Project auditing


Process diagrams


  • Creating and editing devices

  • Process lines and groups and their data content

  • Use of tags and markings

  • Assembly addition

  • Searching for information in Datamages

  • Editing data in Excel

  • Creating reports with Raport Creator

  • Retrieving data from an external database

  • Coloring the chart based on the data

  • Spectral connection of charts and joining 3D

  • Validation of diagrams 

Plumbing design basics 2-3 days

To whom:

For process plant pipeline designers.



Learn how to use AutoCAD Plant 3D software to efficiently produce pipeline models, as well as related isometers, plan views, and material lists.
Description of the training: The training covers the different stages of pipeline design and the integration of the models into a larger whole. Either the customer's or Profox's model project template can be used in the training.

Creation and management of process diagrams 1 day

To: For those working with process plant process diagrams.


Objectives: To learn how to efficiently generate process diagrams with AutoCAD P & ID software, and how to process and utilize related device information.

Description of the training: The training covers the creation and management of process diagrams with AutoCAD P & ID software. Either the customer's or Profox's model project template can be used in the training.


Training content:




  • Joining a project and creating a new project based on a model

  • Deleting and attaching drawings to a project

  • Project auditing


Process diagrams


  • Creating and editing devices

  • Process lines and groups and their data content

  • Use of tags and markings

  • Assembly addition

  • Searching for information in Datamages

  • Editing data in Excel

  • Creating reports with Raport Creator

  • Retrieving data from an external database

  • Coloring the chart based on the data

  • Spectral connection of charts and joining 3D

  • Validation of diagrams 


15 % alennus tukipalvelumme asiakkaille

  • Valitse laajasta koulutustarjonnastamme aiheet, jotka vastaavat tiimisi tai yksittäisten työntekijöiden tarpeita.


  • Mahdollisuus yhdistellä eri aihealueita luodaksesi yksilöllisen koulutusohjelman, joka tukee organisaationne erityistavoitteita.


  • Koulutukset toteutetaan alan huippuasiantuntijoiden toimesta, varmistaen korkeatasoisen ja käytännönläheisen oppimiskokemuksen.

  • Tutustu avoimen koulutuskalenterimme monipuolisiin vaihtoehtoihin ja löydä aikataulu, joka sopii sinulle tai tiimillesi.


  • Tarjoamme mahdollisuuden yrityskohtaisiin koulutuksiin, jotka on suunniteltu erityisesti yrityksesi tarpeiden mukaisesti.


  • Olipa valintasi avoin koulutus tai yrityskohtainen sessio, panostamme aktiiviseen osallistumiseen ja interaktiivisuuteen.

  • Autamme mielellämme löytämään tai suunnittelemaan koulutuksen, joka vastaa tarkasti tarpeitanne.


  • Mukautamme koulutuksiamme sopimaan aikatauluihinne ja erityistarpeisiinne.


  • Hyödynnä asiantuntijoidemme syvällistä osaamista luodaksesi juuri oikean koulutuksen tiimillesi.


Ilmoittaudu koulutukseen

Kiitos ilmoittautumisesta!

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