As-built -malli
Laser scanning
Inventory modeling
Digital Twin
Laser scanning:
We specialize in 3D data collection based on accurate laser scanning of the built environment. We use the best work processes in the industry (PSK3402) and market-leading measuring devices (Leica RTC360). We support a wide range of point clouds data transfer to design programs. As a result of our work, the dimensions are true!
Inventory modeling :
We process reliable geometric 3D models from point cloud data. The inventory model can be a triangular mesh surface model, a level-classified as-built model, or a BIM model. Model data content and modeling accuracy according to customer needs and specification. We comprehensively support the data transfer of 3D models to design and simulation programs. (for example, layout and CFD simulation
Smart Model / Digital Twin :
In the Smart Model service, feature information is added to the ready-made as-built model based on a point cloud according to the customer's needs. These can include, for example, equipment and pipeline position data, links to maintenance data, and real-time monitoring data. Automated work processes are used to increase intelligence, and models can be utilized in a variety of digital interfaces.