iConstruct software
iConstruct is an application with Navisworks that extends the data content and graphics processing of Navisworks models to a new level, improving project collaboration and is an integral part of Navis Typhoon’s approach.
Users can modify the hierarchy generated by design systems to better meet the requirements of the project installation. By combining external data sources and tables with the model, the model can be used to visualize, for example, the progress of the project or link maintenance systems to the models. The ability to automate frequently used functionalities reduces the need for manual editing.
iConstruct is available in three different versions:
iConstruct Pro
Includes all functionalities
iConstruct Export
DWG, IFC and BCF exporter
iConstruct Clash
Collision analysis
We help you choose the software that best meets the needs of your project.
No more useless licenses or oversized solutions.
Our experts analyze your needs and recommend optimal software options so that your investment produces the best possible results.
Profoxin koulutuspalvelut varmistavat, että tiiminne saavat kaiken irti valituista ohjelmistoista.
Tarjoamme räätälöityjä koulutuksia, jotka lisäävät osaamista ja tuovat kilpailuetua.
Koulutustemme avulla henkilöstönne osaavat hyödyntää ohjelmistojen kaikki toiminnot tehokkaasti, mikä nostaa tuottavuutta ja edistää innovatiivista työskentelyä.
Profox's continuous support ensures that the use of your software is smooth and problem-free.
Our experts are always ready to help, whether it's technical problems or practical advice.
This continuous support ensures that your projects progress smoothly and efficiently without interruption.
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